During a dull rainy day, four children escape through a closet full of furs into an enchanted world filled with magic and talking animals. Narnia's Closet is where fashion and fantasy meet.
My love for fashion began when I was young, sitting in the audience of the Pennsylvania Ballet Company. This alternative world was created through dance and costume. After years of ballet class I realized I was not destined to become a prima ballerina, but I never gave up my love of costume. I now consider almost every outfit a costume, no matter how mundane.
haha sounds like an amazing summer! :)
hahah!!! i LOVE this.
Sounds like so much fun! I need a lazier summer (too much work - bleh). A bollywood dance workout sounds like so much fun.
i love it!
the little violet dress
that's exactly what summer should be like! LOL!
Haha, this is my life!
sounds really fun
haha i've done the bollywood workout, it's hilarious
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